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I'm Mikhail. Founder of Network Spotlight

Web3 Security Expert

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As a key security figure at Certik and web3 mentor, I cultivate a dynamic community and host a specialized YouTube channel on web3, featuring industry experts. With partnerships like Binance's MVB program and extensive knowledge in ecosystems such as Cosmos, EVM, Layer 2s, Solana, and Aptos, I'm dedicated to forging impactful cross-chain connections and promoting web3 growth.

Some of my communities connections

My Story

Mikhail's story begins with his arrival in the United States at the age of 7, not just as an immigrant but as a refugee. This early experience of starting anew in a different country laid the groundwork for his resilience, adaptability, and drive. These qualities have been central to his journey in becoming a leading figure in the blockchain and Web3 sectors.

Working at Certik, a top-tier Web3 security firm, Mikhail has played a crucial role in safeguarding blockchain projects. His work is a testament to his expertise and commitment to creating a secure digital environment. This foundation in security and his personal background of overcoming challenges have fueled his mission with Network Spotlight.

Network Spotlight isn't just a business venture for Mikhail; it's a reflection of his life's journey. It's a platform he built to bring together people passionate about the digital future in a way that's open, secure, and innovative. Mikhail's story, from a young refugee to a respected professional in the tech world, is a powerful reminder of how determination and a willingness to help and educate others can lead to meaningful change in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

In essence, Mikhail's narrative is about transformation and impact. His work at Certik and his leadership at Network Spotlight are bridging gaps in the digital world, making it a safer and more inclusive space. His journey from a 7-year-old refugee to a tech innovator is inspiring, showing that with resilience and hard work, it's possible to make a significant mark in the world of blockchain and Web3.

My achievements

  • Advised CryptosRus, facilitating introductions to key players inweb3, which led to successful partnerships and advisory roles for the channel.This role underscored the importance of strategic networking in the web3ecosystem.

  • Spearheaded the strategic connection between Arbitrum and Mozaic Finance, leading to a pivotal grant approval for the Theseus Vault project atop GMX.

  • Enhanced the security of Shade Protocol's smart contracts, ensuring robust protection against potential exploits.

  • Established Andromeda's strategic partnerships and advisory roles, notably with Aquanow and securing key positions that propelled the protocol's growth. These efforts culminated in Andromeda's successful listingon Mexc Global.

Some kind words from my peers

The connections I've fostered from Network Spotlight and Mikhail were pivotal. Mikhail's skill in identifying synergies enriched our growth trajectory and sense of partnership. I highly recommend checking out Network Spotlight if you want to get connected to the best!"
Callum Roberts
Mozaic Co-Founder
Mikhail welcomed us into Network Spotlight, giving us access to a high-quality network and maked key introductions, including to a key opinion leader now on our advisory board. His approach to creating real human relationships is invaluable."
Eitan Katz
Kima CEO
Network Spotlight is Andromeda’s go-to source for key information, networking, Twitter Spaces dialogue, and “elite” level Web3 community interactions. We have found investors, partners, colleagues, and genuinely nice people we want to be associated with, and, that help promote our brand. I highly recommend Mikhail’s personal attention to detail and giving nature as one my prized relationships in this industry."
Core Contributor